Main Page

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Welcome to the "International Non- Pharmacological Therapies Project" (INPTP)


The “International Non-pharmacological Therapies Project” (INPTP) is an international, multidisciplinary,

community-based workspace for scientists and practitioners of non-pharmacological therapies (NPTs).


The common goal that is to develop the science and praxis of NPTs to humanize and improve the quality of life (QoL)

of the elderly, their families and professional caregivers.


At INPTP science and practice will merge to expand knowledge about NPTs. The website is an open community,

meaning that knowledge will be freely available. Collaborators decide who they want to collaborate with,

how much time they want to devote on the topics they have at heart.


Contributing to INPTP is really easy and will not take you much time, you can upload articles whether you are an author

or you find it relevant to NPTs, also you can find advice on what is a good NPT practice, you can check some evidence tables

to know which NPT to use for a certain dementia and when you should stop using it. You can also look for some optimum usage of

assessment instruments, start a discussion group on a relevant topic, check for updates, etc.


Whether you developed a technique or want to show how a certain technique must be applied you are welcomed to share it with the INPTP project colleagues.


To contribute you just have to log in then create a user name and password. The users will see the information you have provided

under your username and they can edit it or start a discussion to clarify any controversy or disagreement.


Any contribution is welcomed and supervised by an expert committee that ensures the information in our page is reliable and updated.


We are sure there is still a lot to say about NPTs and we know a lot of good professionals are willing to innovate

and hand out what they have learned throughout the years.


The less experienced practitioners are eager to learn from the best and to collaborate with colleagues from different disciplines.


Do not hesitate and please check the "How write/edit article?" page there you will find some instructions that will help you when adding any relevant information.


We are sure there's a place for you at INPTP, whether you feel you belong to Science/ Joint Science-Practitioner/ or Practitioner you can freely access

any area just to sneak around. Who knows? Maybe you can collaborate regarding issues you'd always thought you'd nothing to say about.


<input name="Science" type="button" value="<a _fcknotitle="true" href="Science">Science</a>" />

<a _fcknotitle="true" href="Science + Practitioner">Science + Practitioner</a>

<a _fcknotitle="true" href="Practitioner">Practitioner</a>


As you may have already guessed, the INPTP is alive! We foresee the contents within each area will grow in width and depth.

Hopefully new categories (NPTs) and subcategories will arise.


